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Who We Are

In The Spirit Young Eagles Succeed

Our Mission

to motivate and build student's self-esteem through the arts, by teaching, training, and empowering ordinary young people with extraordinary gifts to understand who they really are; how to love themselves; what they can and will become by looking beyond their circumstances to fulfill their true purpose in life.

Our Vision

IT'S YES! Performing Arts Institute is a high-quality educational program with highly qualified teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators who spiritually enhance, motivate, inspire, and empower effective change in tomorrow's children today.

Does Your Child...





Our Focus Areas:

Performing Arts

(Drama | Dance | Singing | Improvisation)

Service Learning

(Community Service)

Parental Involvement

Child Trafficking Prevention

Public Speaking

& Career Development

Life Skills

Creative/ Therapeutic Art


(Reading | Writing | Math | Science)


Character Development

(Morals and Values)

Courtroom Scene

(Discipline and Bullying Prevention)

Dinner Theater Production


Shequila, parent

"It’s Yes performing arts has truly changed my son and my life. The program cultivates in my son all the key necessities of life: expression, confidence and love to name a few. The founder and staff have remained professional and attentive. It is not very often that a parent is welcomed to suggest, volunteer etc. What I love about It’s Yes! as a parent is the level of excellence displayed both in service and delivery. I also appreciate the fact that parental involvement is encouraged. It’s Yes! has become home for my son and I. Thank you It’s Yes! for your service to underrepresented communities and also expanding the minds of youth and parents to the arts on many levels."

Aldejeda, student

"At It’ Yes! I've learned code-switching (different time for everything). I also learned not to be shy, but to speak up in front of people. I learned how to be a leader and don't follow bad spirits. I also learn how to dance before God and people. I learned how to act and create plays. I also learn how to eat properly at It’s Yes! I also learn to treat everyone with kindness. I've learned why I matter and whom I dream to be. I've learned that do everything as if I was doing it unto God. I've learned about proper etiquette, being organized and neat. It’s Yes! has helped me to improve and become a better person spiritually, mentally, and physically. I've learned more about myself! I've learned how to be a role model. I've learned how to speak positively. I can and I will!"

Destiny, student

It’s Yes! has helped me come out of my shyness because we perform in front of big crowds. Also, this program has helped me with acting skills and proper etiquette. It’s Yes! has taught me about love and godly things. I learned many plays, dances, and songs. I learn to act as if I was on a commercial on TV. It’s Yes! is a very good learning program and I love it. I have learned to persevere and never give up on anything or anyone. When I first came to It’s Yes! I was shy and nervous, but they taught me to stop being shy and speak out. I've connected with lots of people here this program has helped me to become a better me and life. It’s Yes! has taught me to just have fun and joke around and learn.

IT'S YES! Performing Arts Institute Mission Statement is: To motivate and build student's self-esteem through the arts, by teaching, training, and empowering the minds of ordinary young people with extraordinary gifts to understand who they really are; how to love themselves; what they can and will become by looking beyond their circumstances to fulfill their true purpose in life.

4234 Pappy Kennedy St.

Orlando, FL 32811


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