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Hear what students and parents of IT'S YES! are saying.

Jahari James, Current Student
Zariah Johnson, Current Student
Antonio Roberts, Current Student
Zariah Kee, Former Student

More Testimonials from Students and Parents

"I began attending It’s Yes! since the opening, however, I’ve been working with Mrs. Sweetie since I was in the 3rd grade.  I am now beginning my junior year in college. I am a volleyball student athlete at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville. I am majoring in Business Management. Ever since I began working with Mrs. Sweetie and the It’s Yes! Program, it had opened up so many opportunities to grow as a person and as a lady. One of the first things we always did when starting school was repeating our motto: “I’m going to college..” I didn’t understand the importance of saying these things every day and repeating them but now I understand that I was speaking them into existence. Now here I am.  Along with that were the events and performances we had done. Those allowed me to learn about many important life situations that I would’ve never learn in school, for example, when we performed the play on human trafficking. That was a very important thing for me to learn as a female in one of the largest human trafficking cities in the US.  I was also able to learn how to get on a stage and perform, speak and meet people. I was able to get out of my comfort zone at a young age and am now able to network and speak in front of others with ease. With all of these things, the best part about Its Yes! and the program was the support system. Beautiful, strong women who looked like me that always pushed me and wanted me to succeed.  Always checking on me, even as I got older and had to begin other endeavors such as college and always keeping me in their prayers.  I am so thankful for those women and this program.  I wouldn’t be the person I am today without them."

Elizabeth Pamphile, Former Student

When I think of It’s Yes! I think of perseverance, hard work, determination, and dedication. As a child attended It’s Yes! I was taught, before anything else, how to open up and express myself. There was no such thing as scared or shy at It’s Yes!. You were put on the spot little by little shaping and molding you to be able to be confident in yourself. When you have confidence, you have everything. Confidence gave me the power to believe in myself and others. It gave me power to learn how to be respectful and humble because that's the type of influence It’s Yes! Performing Arts has. It’s Yes! often reminds me of the word amen, which means it is so. One activity or strategy we practiced a lot was writing things down. One thing we wrote almost every day was our goals. We broke them up into short and long-term goals and as we wrote them down, we were talked to about how writing things down has power. Whatever we wrote down had the ability to come true with faith. So when we wrote things down, the confidence and power we've been possessing the entire time, now had grown and had a hunger for our goals and dreams to come true. So we'll have to have faith and believe that it is so. So in conclusion, is he has taught us many things and skills but the best of them all was that the power and being confident in ourselves birth out our faith to believe that our dreams, our plans, our goals it is so!

Drianna Johnson, Former Student

I, Shakibba Johnson, am writing this letter on behalf of It’s Yes! Performing Arts and how this program has helped grow my children. It’s Yes! has restored obedience, acting, proper etiquette, and personal hygiene in my children. This program has allowed my children to show their singing, dancing, and acting skills. My children have become more well-behaved, especially my son Deron who blows me away when he sings with the youth. I am thankful and truly blessed for this program. Everyone a part of this program has done wonderful things for my children. It’s Yes! has allowed my children to use their creative side with art and dancing. The children enjoyed the program and being a part of It’s Yes!

Shakibba Johnson, Parent

It’s Yes! is an amazing program! It taught me how to have proper etiquette, how to act, how to be respectful, and learn new things of God. The one thing I like about It’s Yes! is when we work together and act out plays or do commercials with each other. We also learned many songs such as perseverance, America is better than this, call me, it's in your worship, Etc. This program taught me how to sing because before I came, I wasn't really into sending but It’s Yes! was a blessing for me. When I think of It’s Yes! I think of a program where children learn about love, education, and at the same time joke and laugh and have fun. I also learn how to open up to myself and grow out my shell. I met new people and made friends at It’s Yes!. This program also has taught me how to be a better man, leader, and not a follower. It's just stands for in the spirit young Eagles succeed. Last but not least, the camp teaches kids to chase their dreams to being anything they want and don't let anybody tell you that you can't be that.

Deron "DJ" Johnson, Former Student

IT'S YES! Performing Arts Institute Mission Statement is: To motivate and build student's self-esteem through the arts, by teaching, training, and empowering the minds of ordinary young people with extraordinary gifts to understand who they really are; how to love themselves; what they can and will become by looking beyond their circumstances to fulfill their true purpose in life.

4234 Pappy Kennedy St.

Orlando, FL 32811


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